I must confess – I love Christmas!


These last couple of years, I’ve started to appreciate Christmas. Maybe a bit too much.

I must be frank, my happiest moment of my life was a couple of years ago when I decorated the Christmas tree while listening to Christmas music.

So I have a love for Christmas, and combined with Advent of Code, just makes it complete! When I first started with AoC, three years ago, I didn’t think much of it. I completed 3 days and then I felt overwhelmed. Now, the moment I see snow I think of Advent of Code. Last year, me and a couple of friends sat on Discord, around 07:00 and did the task together. We still had the pandemic going on, so we all worked from home. Just sitting together, discussing each other’s solution, with Michael Bublé singing in your speakers, is such a lovely start in the morning.

I remember I was so proud of one of my solutions from last year. The task was to calculate how many fishes we have if they get a child after x amount of days. Unfortunately, I did a poor solution which ended up eating my 32GB of ram and the computer froze.

This year, I am gonna try to learn C++ and do these tasks! Hopefully, it won’t ruin my Christmas… 😅

I wish you all happy coding!
